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Last day of term Tuesday 23rd July 2024!
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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success



Our Y4 classes visit Minstead Study Centre in the New Forest.


Newsletter Update - in June 2022 - by Miss Spence and Miss Du Feu:

This week was Year 4's first ever residential visit to Minstead Study Centre for 3 days filled with
nature-based activities in the New Forest. Rye and Sunflower loved walking through the forest,
catching a glimpse of some deer and splashing in rather muddy puddles. They loved having the
chance to try stream dipping, shelter building, orienteering, singing songs round the campfire and so much more. Our days were jam packed with activities and evenings were equally as energetic!

Throughout their stay, the children demonstrated our new learning values and collected some rather special Minstead beads!

The Year 4 team are so proud of Rye and Sunflower. The children truly embraced this new
experience and met every challenge with determination and desire to succeed.
'Awesome', 'Amazing', 'Best time ever' sums up the children's experience!

Little Canada

Our Y6 classes visit PGL Little Canada on the Isle Of Wight in September each year.


Newsletter update - October 2022 - by Mrs Guise and Mr Trickett:

Last week, Year 6 had the most fantastic time on the Isle of Wight. From the moment we left, the children were in high spirits and the sun even shone for us! The trip on the boat was a brilliant adventure for everyone and the children loved venturing out on deck to admire the view of the approaching Isle of Wight. Visiting the beach at Sandown was a highlight for many of the children as they enjoyed making sandcastles, sculptures and completing team games.


Afterwards, it was onwards to Little Canada where we were based for the whole residential. The children stayed in cabins for the week and enjoyed having their own space with their friends. The main focus was for children to build independence and to work as a team and they most certainly did that! They participated in a huge variety of activities from fencing to dragon boat racing and abseiling.


We were so proud of all the children with the level of respect they showed each other and the PGL leaders as well as their collaboration skills where they were cheering on their peers. Many children faced their fears over the week and gave all the activities their best attempt. Everyone seemed to have a different favourite activity which shows the range that were provided.


When asked how they felt about the trip, the children responded with: "It was amazing!" "Brilliant!" "Best holiday ever!" and "When can we go back?" Well done Year 6, we are incredibly proud
of all of you!
