Supporting Children & Families
My name is Kerri Ward and I am the Family Support Worker here at Wellstead Primary
School. My role is to provide support, advice and information to the families within our
school community. I can help you with any worries that you may have in relation to your
child's education, behaviour and wellbeing. I am also here as someone to talk to if you
should need it!
Advice and support is confidential although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children
will always be dealt with in accordance with the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection
Policy. I may not have all the answers, but hopefully I can help you to work out how to find
​Support for families includes (but not limited to):
- providing information and signposting to other services in the local area
- liaising with a range of external services such as housing and Social Care
- assistance in completing paperwork and forms e.g. housing, special educational needs, school places and benefits
- attendance and support at school and other agency meetings
- advice and support in promoting positive behaviour at home
- parent workshops and information coffee mornings
I am available in person on Thursdays and Fridays but I am contactable via email / calls
throughout the week however if it is a more sensitive matter you would like to discuss you
can call the school to make an appointment to come and see me.
I can be contacted at or 07719939588
Link to Wellstead family support and signposting padlet: