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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

Home Learning

All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child's development by providing a rich and varied home life with discussion between adult and child. Using books, writing and drawing materials, imaginative and creative toys, a careful selection of television and use of ICT.


"Research shows that homework in primary schools has little or no impact on a student’s overall learning. However, it does make a bigger difference in secondary schools. Any homework set should be related to key skills." (Education researcher, Professor John Hattie)


With this in mind, we have taken the decision to focus on improving the impact our homework has.  We believe we can achieve this by just concentrating on the key skills of reading, spelling and knowledge of times tables. 



Reading is an essential skill for all areas of learning and time spent reading with your child at home and asking them about what they have read is invaluable. 


We have introduced a new reading incentive called ‘Reading Heroes’ encouraging them to read a minimum of 3 times a week (on separate days). This reading must be recorded in their liaison books.


Class adults will take their liaison books in weekly to record the amount of reading each child has done.  At the end of each half term, the number of reads gets converted into house points.  



Spelling homework will continue in the same format as before, with a sheet explaining each new spelling rule and a practise grid. The children will continue to be assessed through dictation work in class. 


Times Tables

Our children need to know their times tables facts forwards, backwards and inside out.

They need to be able to derive the division facts (e.g. I know 4 x 6 = 24; so 6x4=24, 24 ÷ 6 = 4 and 24 ÷ 4 = 6). 


By the end of Year 4, children should be able to rapidly recall the multiplication and division facts up to 12x12.


In Key Stage 2, we use the TTRS (Times Table Rock Star) app to help practice the quick recall of times tables facts.


Project learning

We send home project enhancement activities three times over the course of an academic year, as many children and parents enjoy getting creative together! 


No additional weekly Maths or English homework will be sent out unless your child is in Year 6 which is to prepare children for Key Stage 3. Year 6 children will have one piece of Maths or English homework sent home on alternating weeks.  


Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

