Equality and Accessibility
Wellstead Primary School are committed to providing an environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.
We are further committed to challenging attitudes about disability and accessibility and to maintaining a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.
The purpose of our Accessibility Plan shows how Wellstead Primary School intends, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils, staff, parents/carers and visitors.
If you are visiting Wellstead and you require assistance into, out of or within the car park, please call 01489 799351 and speak to one of our School Office team.
We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 as both a provider of education and as an employer. We believe that all pupils and members of staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background, identity and circumstances. We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates differences within a culture of respect, collaboration and cooperation. We appreciate that a culture which promotes equality will create a positive environment and a shared sense of belonging for all who work, learn and use the services of our school. We recognise that equality will only be achieved by the whole school community working together – our pupils, staff, governors and parents/carers. Our Equality Policy outlines the principles which will guide our approach to working with our school community and enabling an open and inclusive culture.