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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success




Phonics Shed is a DfE validated systematic synthetic phonics programme with coverage from sound awareness, into a full phonics scheme of learning that leads into Spelling Shed’s complementary spelling system and is also compatible with 2007 Letters and Sounds.


Systematic synthetic phonics

The Phonics Shed programme provides a systematic way to teach reading through synthetic phonics. Children are taught to decode by breaking down words into sounds as a way to “synthesize” the whole word from letters and sounds. Children are taught, through techniques such as our ‘Say It, Stretch It, Sound It,’ to decode by breaking down words into sounds as a way to segment and blend (“synthesise“) the whole word with the learning reinforced by our offline and online multi-sensory tasks and games.



Narrative Driven

Phonics Shed also aims to foster a love of reading and writing through its strong, character-based narrative and engaging, multi-sensory activities.


Through an original series of storybooks set in the Phonics Shed garden with Joe as a guide, children are introduced to the 44+ phonemes of the English language and the 100 most commonly used words (High Frequency Words). Each storybook introduces a new character and its associated grapheme phoneme correspondence (GPC) allowing children to develop in their phonics attainment as they get to know the Phonics Shed characters and progress through the series.



As the children work through the scheme, they also gain access to decodable alien words. The Phonics Shed alien words match the criteria given for those used in the Phonics Screening assessment resources.






Children from YR-Y2  have access to a range of books that will benefit them in different ways.


·A Phonics Shed decodable reading book

This will be matched to their current phonic knowledge, to be shared with an adult at home. This will be in a plastic zippy wallet together with a guide and additional resources to support you and your child. We have a set number of these books so please ensure it is kept in your child’s bookbag when not being read so that it can be reallocated each week.

* It may be that your child is no longer requiring a decodable Phonics Shed reading book and your child’s class teacher will discuss this with you as appropriate.


·A colour-banded reading book

Your child is already accessing these books and this will continue in the same way. Books are matched to your child’s current reading level and consider both fluency (word reading) and comprehension (understanding of what they have read).  Please share these books with your child and ask them questions, using the reading guide, to support their understanding. Your child will continue to change their books each day as needed, or with the adults in YR.


·A book from the school library

These are chosen by your child and intended to promote a love of books. Children often choose a book beyond their level of reading, which is beneficial in exposing them to new experiences and vocabulary. Please enjoy these books with your child, perhaps reading it with them, to them or looking at the pictures as appropriate. You could even talk about why they chose that book!


Please ensure all books, and keywords if appropriate, are kept in your child’s book bag when not being read and are brought into school each day. We access each of these regularly within school and often have opportunities for your child to read with additional adults.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact Mr Anderson or Miss Magern via the year group emails.

We hope you find the new provision helpful and we thank you for your ongoing support.


Martin Anderson                                         Heidi Magern

Reading Lead                                             Phonics Lead           



