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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

Parents of Wellstead (PoW)


Welcome to the Parents of Wellstead (PoW) homepage.


Welcome to our webpage, where you can find out more about how our committee runs, and ways that you can support our fundraising events.


We are a newly formed committee, and all have children who attend Wellstead Primary school. As working parents it can be challenging to find time outside of home and work responsibilities to support other ventures. However, we are all passionate about supporting the school, and providing our children with opportunities to enhance their development and engagement with school.


We have two Co-Chairs (Amy Ho & Lydia Smith), a Secretary (Chesca Godden) and Treasurer (Louise Carballo). As we continue to embed ourselves as a committee, we are keen to speak with those who have skills and expertise in fundraising and completing bid applications in particular.


As a committee we provide termly newsletters, and regular promotions and updates for upcoming events across multiple formats including: Whatsapp, email and social media.


Since we were voted in at the AGM there has been a significant increase in the communication and planned events. Therefore, we warmly welcome additional help in supporting the many events that we run throughout the year.


For further information, please speak to us at school, contact us through the Whatsapp links above or email:



Second Hand Uniform Ordering Website


We are delighted to offer second hand uniform ordering online. The price of all items is just £1.
Please visit 'Stock Levels Link' to see what is available and then orders can be placed here for items which are in stock.

PoW will aim to fulfil any orders within one week.
Payment can be made by direct bank transfer.
Please quote the following reference when making your payment: UF / Surname / Class.

Come join us



We have two WhatsApp communities:


Wellstead family - where we share all our updates and communications.  Families are encouraged to join the relevant year group for any specific communications.


PoW - this is the community for volunteers.  They can join any event chats that they think they can help with. 

