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Last day of term Tuesday 23rd July 2024!
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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

Sharing our worries

If something is making you feel upset or worried, it is always good to talk to an adult you feel safe with. It can help to tell them how you feel and what is happening even if you are not sure what is wrong. At Wellstead each class has a Butterfly jar, where the children can share any worries they may have. There are different coloured pieces of paper that can be added to the butterfly jar. The different coloured pieces of paper tell the teacher if the note needs to be read urgently.

Here you can access 'Emotional Literacy Support for children' this site gives you access to a number of resources to help with anxiety and mindfulness.



There maybe times you feel the need to speak to someone else outside of you friends, family and school community, if this is the case then 'Childline' will be there for you. They can be contacted by phone, online chat or email and will be happy to listen to you regarding anything you feel the need to talk about. 
