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Last day of term Tuesday 23rd July 2024!
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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

Medicines & Illness

In regard to how long your child should be off school in the event of illness please refer to the following documents:

Stay in control of your child's health - Healthier together

Illness in School

When we suspect illness we contact parents by telephone and sick children are looked after until their parents arrive. Cuts, bumps and bruises which occur during the school day are dealt with by qualified First Aiders. If your child bumps their head, they will come home wearing a bumped head wristband and you will be emailed at the time of the incident to make you aware.


Medicines in School

Parents who wish prescribed medicines to be given to their child at school must sign a consent form for this which specifies the medication involved, circumstances under which it should be administered, frequency and level of dosage.  All medicine/tablets must be handed to the office for safekeeping. Please tell the appropriate staff of any medical condition concerning your child that we should know while he/she is in our care.  


If your child requires medication during the school day, we need an adult to bring the medication to the School Office on day 1. They will be asked to complete a medicine administration form. Please note all medication should be in its original packaging with the prescription label attached.


Calpol and Piriton can be administered in school. If your child is given this, they will be wearing a yellow wristband to inform you of this (and the time it was given). You will be telephoned before this is given.


Infectious diseases

We need to know, as soon as possible, if your child catches an infectious disease, acquires headlice or develops a verruca. The Headteacher has the final responsibility for deciding whether a child can return to school after an infectious illness. Below is a list of illnesses and minimum recommended periods away from school. If your child has been away due to any illness, please do not let him or her return until a full recovery has been made and strength and stamina restored. When children are not 100%, they feel poorly, do not learn and become unsettled.
