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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success


Spring Term lunchtime and after school clubs.


We have been so pleased with the uptake of our new club offering.  It is wonderful to see so many children before and after school, enjoying some down time, learning new skills and making new friends.  Wednesday morning has been one of my favourites as I have watched Ruben’s running  club grow from 4 or 5 children to the popular pre-school run around the school site that it now is. This is a well-being and fitness strategy that we hope the children take with them as they grow. 


As a reminder, there are four categories of club:


  • Stay and Play and Wake Up Wellstead – wraparound care 
  • Staff led clubs 
  • Sporting clubs with Coach Ruben 
  • Externally run clubs 


Stay and Play and Wake Up Wellstead continue to run as usual and provide wraparound care for parents that need to use before and after school clubs for childcare.  You can book this via scopay, using code ‘A’ for the first child you book a place for on any one day and code ‘S’ for any subsequent siblings you book in on that day.  If your child has not previously attended the wrap around care provision, do please let the office know, so that we can add your child onto the cohort so that you can book online.


Coach Ruben will continue to offer the same sporting clubs (before and after school)  as before (see below).  If your child attends Stay and Play or Wake Up Wellstead and they would like to sign up for a sporting club during that time, they can do so at no extra cost. 



Spring Term 2023 Clubs Letter
