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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

MFL - French

French Curriculum overview

MFL Curriculum Intent


At Wellstead Primary, we use Language Angels as our scheme of learning for MFL (French).  This was chosen following Local Authority network advice and a successful trial period.  This has been in place since September 2024.  The units have been chosen carefully and are progressive.  Units build on one another across KS2.  e.g. numbers.


We are working on embedding the new scheme - Language Angels and next year, we will be looking at ways to personalise the French curriculum to include more learning linked to our school context.


At the moment, there is no language teaching in KS1 and EYFS.  Moving forwards, we will be looking at ways to begin informal French language exposure before children reach KS2 and the statutory teaching. 


By the end of KS2, children will be able to speak, read and write in a variety of contexts.  Children will have accurate pronunciation.  


Even though we have only just started this new scheme, in KS2 we are all really enjoying learning the French language!
