Travel Plan
Wellstead Primary School Travel Plan
What is a School Travel Plan?
A School Travel Plan is a document that:
- Demonstrates a schools commitment to environmental and community concerns and the overall welfare of its pupils
- States the way in which a school intends to help reduce the use of cars for the school journey, and for improving safety, the environment, health and the social skills of it's pupils
- Is a whole school initiative and demonstrates support from children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community.
- Aims to give parents and pupils the choice of traveling by walking, cycling and public transport with confidence thereby reducing congestion at the school gate.
- Looks in detail at pupil's needs on the school journey and attempts to find suitable solutions for unique situations at each school.
- Has clearly stated aims, objectives and targets which are achievable, measurable and are supported by the whole school community
- School Travel Plans also play a key role in Safer Routes to School projects and act as guides for possible transport and highway infrastructure improvements
The current school travel plan was devised in 2014, in consultation with Hampshire County Council as part of the planning process for our school expansion.