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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success


Art Curriculum Intent 


At Wellstead Primary, our art and design curriculum aims to enable children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. Children build on a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, as well as other selected craft skills, e.g., collage, printing, weaving and patterns. Children have the opportunity to explore their ideas, record their experiences, investigate the work of others, and evaluate different creative ideas through the use of sketchbooks. 


Children also gain knowledge of different forms of art and discuss the cultural and historical contexts of art. They learn about the work of a variety of artists, making links between these and their own work. Our art and design curriculum enables our children to be creative and to be their own artists. This allows them to appreciate and evaluate the work of a range of artists from their own and other cultures and other periods in history.


In EYFS, art and design plays a crucial role, supporting holistic development in children. Through engaging in artistic activities, children not only enhance their cognitive skills but also develop emotionally, socially, and physically. Expressive art and design is everywhere in our EYFS environment. We have an indoor and outdoor art continuous provision, which allows children the freedom to explore, experiment and become independent in their choices. We provide art enhancements, which ignites art through the children's current interests. We also have a stage in our outdoor area, giving children the chance to express and communicate using a range of art forms, e.g. movement, dance, drama, music and art. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage in expressive art and design, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. 


Throughout the curriculum there are cross curricular links to art and design. Art is a creative subject and links with who we are as individuals, what we see around us and how we interpret this as well as what we create using our hands. Art links with science where children explore the natural world of form, colour and pattern. Links between art and maths are made when children describe shapes, measure and draw often using rulers, protractors and compasses. In addition, symmetry is used in both maths and art and design. Children make links between art, RE, history and geography as they learn about ancient cultures. In the National Curriculum, children study the works and ideas of different artists, designers and craftspeople and many of these people have used inspiration from a range of sources. For example, some artists gain their inspiration from music to create their artwork. These cross curricular links play an important part in enhancing the learning of art. 


The extra-curricular provision at Wellstead provides children with the opportunities to take part in an after-school clubs linked to arts and crafts, led by staff. We give children real life opportunities and experiences of art through art gallery visits and school trips. Wellstead also takes part in a lot of exciting art projects involving the wider community. Our most recent project was ‘Little Lights’, supporting Southampton hospital charity. This project gave the children the chance to help design and paint a lighthouse that was displayed on a trail in Southampton with 40 other lighthouses. The children were given an aspirational opportunity to meet other artists involved in the project and talk to them. Wellstead will continue to take part in future art projects.



For every child, art and design offers the encouragement of self-expression and exploration that supports learners to embrace ‘the happy accident’ and ‘learn through their mistakes’. Art at Wellstead ensures that children use their experiences and opportunities in art and design to produce creative and imaginative work that is individual to them. Through the sequential teaching of knowledge and skills, all children will refine their application of artistic techniques as well as develop their understanding of artists and key vocabulary. At Wellstead our ultimate aim is that by the end of KS2, our children will have formed a strong foundation of art and design skills through the mastery of a range of tools and skills which will be built on as they continue their journey as young artists.

