PE Curriculum Overview
PE Curriculum Intent
Children access 2 hours of Physical Education every week and follow half termly units. Throughout the year all children access dance, gymnastic, leadership/design, athletics and games activities. The majority of dance units are closely linked to different cultural aspects to give the children a chance to try something they wouldn’t normally and to also maybe find a passion for a certain type of dance. Gymnastics units are progressive throughout the year groups, allowing them to build on skills. The curriculum aims to challenge children in a variety of different elements, they are challenged within lessons and activities are tailored to ability.
Every class has one of their PE lessons taught by a Level 3 qualified Sports Coach, who delivers high quality sports coaching. Coach Ruben also delivers CPD for teaching staff so that they are then able to continue high quality PE provision for remaining sessions.
Games units include striking and fielding and invasion games, developing an idea of how the game works to in year 6 building on tactics an understanding tactics in various types of sports. The Early Years and KS1 have a strong focus on the basic balance and coordination skills to build on agility. They develop fundamental movement skills such as running, catching and throwing. The National Curriculum entitlement to Swimming will be delivered to year 4.
In EYFS the children have access to gross and fine motor skill activities in their continual provision. They have access to a range of activities in their outdoor learning environment that they can access at any point in order to enhance their physical development. In addition to this, they receive weekly PE lessons that focus on their agility, balance and co-ordination. At the end of year 2 they are able to transfer their physical skills into year 3. In KS2 there’s a focus on personal best and tactic development where children adapt these skills into game situations and we support that by providing the understanding of how each game works, giving game scenarios but also having a heavy impact on Wellstead's Learning Values. The aim is for all children to be able to enjoy sports in a safe, respectful and controlled manner.
Throughout the curriculum, there are strong links to sports science, so children are taught an understanding of exactly how the body works and how important it is to keep fit in order to do everyday activities. Further, we have implemented a wellbeing strand through our PE curriculum. This is to ensure children make the link between physical activity and their mental health.
Physical Education runs in line with the Wellstead Learning Values. Children at Wellstead school have the opportunity to demonstrate respect for one another in PE by encouraging one another and offering praise. Children are reflective on their skills and have the opportunities to develop, improve and apply their skills. In PE children can aspire to be the best that they can be in each domain, but further can take these skills into level 2 and 3 competitions. They develop independence by taking ownership of their own learning and ways to better their own performance. Collaboration is a huge part of Physical Education. Children must learn to support and work with others to be successful. In line with this is adaptability. Children learn to be accommodating to the needs of others to support them in reaching their potential.
The extra curricular provision at Wellstead is superb. Clubs that are offered internally include Netball, football- both girls and boys, dodgeball and multi-skills. Dance, Archery and Tennis are also offered at the school.
Coach Ruben also organises structured sports at lunchtimes for children to further apply their skills and develop their love of sport. Intra-school competitions are organised and children are encouraged to participate in these, supported by our fantastic team of Y6 Sports Ambassadors.
Wellstead also participates in weekly inter-school competitions and festivals within the local cluster, with over 300 children taking part in these last academic year. Often, these have resulted in county level competitions.
We were awarded the Gold Standard for PE and are working towards the Platinum Award as part of our PE development plan.