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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success

Collective Worship

Collective Worship

By law, all maintained schools must provide daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development. 

Collective worship takes place daily at Wellstead Primary School – either in class, year groups, key stage or as a whole school. 


Typically, we follow the following timetable: 




Headteacher / Assistant Headteacher led assembly 


Themed assembly


Singing assembly 


Religious themed assembly


Celebration Assembly


On Mondays our Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher led assemblies that are based on: 

  • Our school values 
  • British values 
  • No outsiders 
  • Picture News - current themes linked to British Values


On Tuesdays our ‘themed assembly’ follows a long-term plan. Each term we hold assemblies related to the following: 

  • Special and significant events 
  • Anti-bullying 
  • E-safety
  • Keeping ourselves safe 
  • Environmental issues 
  • Citizenship


Our Thursday religious assemblies follow a long-term plan and are of a broadly Christian character. Once a month we hold an ‘Open the Book’ assembly where bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. 


Right to withdraw

It is a legal requirement that all children attend Collective Worship unless parents have exercised their right to withdraw their children from all or parts of worship under the 1988 Education Reform Act. Although Collective Worship is non-denominational in character, we are mindful that parents may for various reasons wish to withdraw their children from Collective Reflection for reasons based on religion or belief.

