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Wellstead Primary School

Wellstead Primary School

Sowing the Seeds of Success


This year at Wellstead, we will be continuing with our house system that was introduced in 2016 to celebrate children following the Wellstead Way.


Every child across the school has been placed into one of five houses. Each house will have a number of children from every year group. 


The houses have been named after prominent people from the local area and each has been allocated a team colour.


The children will meet regularly as a house and these will be led by the recently appointed Year 6 House Captains.


This year's (2024/25) House Captains have been elected!  Lots of Y6 children put themselves forward, prepared a speech and presented to their House.  The other children in the house then voted for their House Captains.  The voting was very close...the elected captains are...


House NameColour Meaning Captains 

Eliza Pomeroy was the Headmistress in 1875 at the opening of the National School.

TJ and Bella H 
HibberdYellowArthur Hibberd (1894) belonged to the first Parish Council.Hannah and Jasmine 

John Mescott was one of the first farmers in Hedge End in

the 17th century.

Seb and Poppy 

Captain Neil Hansen was the Salvation Army’s first Officer

in Hedge End in the 1880s.

Cammy and Emilia 

Henry Barfoot was an early resident of Hedge End and a long established Hedge End family name.

Hollie and Cohen 


Children can earn a house point by displaying good learning behaviour. The house points will be totalled each week and the scores will be announced in Celebration Assembly.


The house with the most house points will, of course, be rewarded.  How this happens changes each year - listen out for important announcements.


We are planning many different events over the year, including Sports Day, when the houses can meet together and undertake team challenges and activities so watch this space!

Current scores

Spring Term scores so far....


A strong start from all Houses but it's Mescott who are slightly ahead as we approach half term.  Remember that reading lots will add house points to your house total.




Last updated 3.2.25
