Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the school day?
For Key Stage 1 and 2 the school gates open at 8.30am and for Year R 8.40am for arrival into school by 8.50am.
The register is taken between 8.50 and 9.00am
Pick up is at 3.20pm for Year R and Key Stage 1 and 3.30pm for Key Stage 2, unless attending an after school club.
Year R and Key Stage 1 have 6.83 hours in school each day, which is 34.16 hours a week.
Key Stage 2 have 7 hours in school each day, which is 35 hours a week.
How do I check that we live in the school's catchment area?
Visit the Hampshire catchment area finder. Enter your postcode and click 'Search', select your address from the dropdown and then a 'Your School Catchments' list will appear. Here you can select the age of your child to find their current catchment school. The map on the right will show you, in pink, the catchment area of the school selected. Please note that living in the catchment area does not necessarily guarantee a place at Wellstead Primary School.
Can I take my child out of school for a family holiday?
If a child has unauthorised absence or is marked late in the register for 10 or more sessions, (equivalent of 5 school days), in any 100 day period, a fixed penalty notice will be issued, by the Local Authority, to each adult with parental responsibility for the child.
Each fixed penalty notice will incur a £60 fine per parent/carer, per child, if paid in the first 21 days, or £120 fine per parent, per child if paid within 28 days. If unpaid, this will result in prosecution.
Absence of any type will only be authorised in an exceptional circumstance or genuine illness.
Exceptional circumstances can be defined as an event arising as a result of factors beyond a family’s control e.g. to attend a family funeral. Holidays will not be authorised during term time.
Fixed penalty notices will also be issued to parents/carers of children who we are told were absent due to illness but subsequently discover to have been on holiday.
Should you have any further question about requests for absence from school, then please contact the School Office.
What options are available for school lunch?
Children can either bring a packed lunch or have a hot school lunch, which is provided by the award-winning caterers HC3S. HC3S ethos is about providing tasty food to help children flourish, by providing nutritious food, cooked fresh every day, which is responsibly sourced, giving your children a balanced diet with choices that aid concentration levels and give them energy to focus and to play.
These school lunches cost £2.80 and is payable online or at the office.
School lunches must be paid for on the day or ideally in advance for the week ahead.
However since September 2014 ALL Keystage 1 children (years R, 1 & 2) are offered school lunch FREE OF CHARGE.
If you prefer your child to have a packed lunch from home, please send it in a suitable lunch box, clearly marked with the child’s name. Parents are encouraged to pack a healthy meal for their child. We also ask parents not to include nuts in lunchboxes as they pose potential serious risks to health with a number of children in school having nut allergies.
Children are allowed to bring squash or juice in a bottle or carton but this can only be drunk at lunchtime.
Please note that fizzy drinks, thermos flasks and glass bottles or containers of any kind are not allowed in school.
How can I find out if my child is eligible for free school meals?
Since September 2014 ALL Keystage 1 children (years R, 1 & 2) are offered school lunch FREE OF CHARGE.
Free school meals in KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) are available only to children whose parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and have an annual gross income, of no more than £16,190
No other benefits qualify for free school meals.
All new parents that become elligible for meals, will also be given a school uniform voucher.
To find out if your child is eligible for free school dinners follow this link: Free School Dinners Eligibility or pop into the school office.
What is the school's policy on snacks and water?
We encourage children to bring only healthy snacks to school.
As part of the Government's Healthy Eating campaign, all our KS1 children (Years R, 1 & 2) are currently offered a piece of fruit or vegetable during the afternoon.
HC3S run a playtime tuckshop. If children would like to purchase something, they will need to bring their money in and take it to outside of the kitchen at playtime.
Water (or weak squash) is the preferred drink and we ask that all children have a named water bottle in school every day.
How do I order branded school uniform?
We encourage all children to wear our school uniform and P.E. kit as it encourages a sense of community and develops a sense of “belonging”.
All branded clothing can be ordered from Skoolkit via their website at Skoolkit Wellstead School Uniform Ordering
We have some items in school for size purposes so please pop into the school office should you need assistance.
Visit our School Uniform page for more detailed information regarding our school uniform policy.
My child has lost a piece of uniform, PE kit, water bottle etc. what do I do?
All items brought into school must be named. We provide hooks for coats, areas for PE kits, book bags and lunch boxes/bottles, however, items do get mislaid although the majority of them make their way back to their owners. In the first instance, ask your child to check these places. If they cannot find them then ask the class teacher or LSA. There are also lost-property boxes located in the reception area at the front of the school. If you find your child has come home with the property of another child, please return it to school and hand in to the class teacher, LSA or school office as soon as possible.
How do I pay for school trips?
When a trip is organised, your child will either be sent home with a hard copy of the letter and a reply / permission slip detailing dates and payment details or you will receive an electronic copy of the letter requesting online permission. Usually this requires a one-off voluntary contribution in advance. Payment can be made at the school office either by cash, cheque (payable to Wellstead Primary School) or online via Scopay. If you send your reply slip / payment in with your child, please ensure it is in a named envelope.
Please note, that if we receive insuffient voluntary contributions for these activites then school trips may be cancelled and payments will be refunded to those parents who have already paid.
Does my child need a rucksack, stationery or a pencil case?
No, we will provide your child with everything they need, please keep those fancy pens and rubbers at home where they will be safe.
We encourage children to bring all their items to school in a Wellstead book bag. However, we do recognise that children who cycle to school (without an adult) may need to carry their book bag in a rucksack. Rucksacks may also be used to carry sports kit to school for clubs. There is not the space on the coat pegs for rucksacks to be brought into school on a daily basis.
Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?
We understand that in years 5 and 6 children become more independant and parents may give their children permission to walk to and from school on their own. In this case, children may bring a mobile phone with them however during school hours it must be turned off and given to the class teacher who will store it securely until the end of the school day.
If you would like your Year 5/6 child to walk home unattended at 3:30pm, please let the office know.
What should I do if my child needs medication during the school day?
Should your child require medication during the school day, please bring it to the school office. Please ensure that the medication in its orginal packaging with the pharmacy label clearly attached as we are not able to administer medicine that has been put in any other container or packaging. You will asked to complete and sign a permission form detailing the medication, dosage etc.
We will store the medication securely and in a fridge where required. It will be administered in accordance with these details.
Please do not give your child any medication to administer themselves during the school day, ALL medication must be held by the school office staff.
I would like to make an appointment with my child's teacher/Headteacher/Inclusion Leader
We are always happy to speak to parents and a member of the Senior Leadership Team are usually available immediately before school for quick, informal chats.
Class teachers are usually available for quick, informal chats at the end of the school day. If you would like a longer time then please contact the school office and we will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time.
We also offer parents evenings, the newsletter and website will keep you informed of the date for the next one.
How can I order milk for my child?
School milk is free for all under 5s and is provided for all pupils aged 5 and over at around £15 per term.
In conjunction with the Department of Education's School Food Plan, our school is able to provide a free 189ml portion of low-fat milk to children entitled to statuatory free school meals. Should you wish to register your child for this service please contact the school office who will be happy to assist you.
Each pupil that registers with Cool Milk will receive a cup of semi-skimmed milk everyday, which is delivered fresh and chilled, ready to be drunk at morning break. Their milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help the children stay focused. Find out the top 10 reasons to drink milk by visiting the Cool Milk website. Please note that Cool Milk only provide semi-skimmed milk and no alternatives are currently available.
How to register
Milk is completely free for children aged under 5 and is subsidised for children aged 5 or older. Simply register on the Cool Milk website.
My child is under 5
- Just register by 5pm Tuesday for your child's free milk to start the following week.
- Free milk will continue until the Friday before you child's fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time, if you wish your child to continue to receive school milk, simply make a payment.
My child is 5 or older
- Complete a registration form or register online as soon as possible. Shortly after registering you will receive a payment request.
- You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the telephone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in half termly, termly or annual instalments.
- Please pay by 5pm Tuesday, for your child's milk to start the following week.
Does my child come to school if it snows?
At Wellstead, our overriding principle is to keep the children, staff and parents that use the school site as safe as possible.
We will do everything we can to open the school in the event of a heavy snow fall, however we need to consider that this might not be possible.
In the event of the school having to close, we will inform you as soon as possible.